Our Outreach

Prison - Church Behind Bars
The purpose of this Church Behind Bars Movement is to see change in the way ministry takes place in the institutions.

We have been working in the country of Cuba since 1999. Each year, the International Solid Rock, Inc. sponsors four quarterly mission trips to Cuba

Tony Loeffler Founder
President/Co-founder, Tony Loeffler was a homeless and suicidal drifter eating from garbage cans. Bitter from the tragic death of both parents, he had become a hopeless drug addict. His marriage was ending. He was someone everyone passed by-until a Salvation Army officer gave him a place to sleep one December night—and introduced him to Jesus. His life has never been the same since.
Tony’s life has come full circle. His marriage was restored and his wife, Mary Ann, serves with him in the ministry. Today, Tony is President of the International Solid Rock, Inc., an ordained minister and musician leading a powerful work throughout the world.