Church Behind Bars: Who they are; how they grow.

“Church” is a word that we are all used to hearing. For some, it is the gathering of God’s people; for others, just a building with a cross on top. The first time the word “Church” was revealed to us in the Bible, was in Matthew 16:18, when at Peter’s statement of Jesus being the Messiah, the Son of the Living God, Jesus responded “… on that rock (truth) I will build my Church.” (Mt 16:18) ​

For many, a church is a group of people who act and dress in a certain way and are judged by those standards. If you don’t match with the establishment standards, it is doubted that you are part of the “Church”. ​​

Even Jesus’ disciples at some point thought that they were the only “legal” church. One day, John came to Jesus and said: “Master, we saw someone driving out demons in your name. We tried to stop him, because he is not one of us.” And Jesus replied: “Do not stop him. Anyone who is not against you is for you.” (Lk 9:49) ​​

The Church is not an institution, but a living organism that is born, grows, matures and multiplies. It never dies though, because it’s Jesus’ body and its life comes from God through the Holy Spirit. Yet, it is as diverse as God is creative. It might be different in the different environments it grows, but if all churches have the same foundation: Salvation through faith in Christ, we are the Church of God. ​​

The Church Behind Bars is alive, it is growing and with this movement, we are supporting it so that it may mature and multiply by itself in an organic way. Yes, it is unique and with its own identity, so it grows and multiplies in its own way, but founded in the Word of God. ​

There are great things the Lord is doing with this part of His Body that is behind the bars of a Correctional Institution! Rejoice and join us in this initiative, for “… Blind people “receive sight”. Disabled people “walk”. Those who have skin diseases are “made clean”. Deaf people “hear”. Those who are dead are “raised to life”. And the “Good News is preached” to those who are poor”. (Mt 11:5)


Each year, the International Solid Rock, Inc. sponsors four quarterly mission trips to Cuba. If you have an interest in visiting one of the most exciting mission fields today, contact our office for more details. If you are able to financially support some of our short term team members, you can send your donation from this web site very easily. We appreciate your partnership in this ministry in order to help our brothers ans sisters in the country of Cuba.

On each trip we bring encouragement to the Body of Christ through teaching, training, construction projects, worshiping together and providing basic needs like medicines, vitamins, and nutritional help to several locations that we have helped organize over the years. Many are being saved, baptized and are becoming disciples who have a real heart for the things of God.